Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I think that's a pulse???

I was on a wreck yesterday with a 16 year old snowboarder who was unconscious. These are always scary scenes to be a part of. You never know what you'll roll up on.

I was 1st out and told to go to Frenchman and look for an unconscious man surrounded with a lot of blood. Yikes!!! I grabbed a rig and a crash pack an 2 other patrollers followed. The 2 patrollers skied faster so i was behind. As i roll up i see no blood, that's good. One patroller has the head and starts trying to get response from the guy. His family was around and we got info. Me and the other patroller start working like a well oiled machine. He was getting O2 and i went in to find a pulse. " I have a pulse". Whew, that is always a relief. We call trauma activation, O2 is applied and i start getting vitals. By this time the kid starts to come around. He's only knows his name.

Another patroller shows up and takes incident command. I give him all the vitals and he relays them to the clinic and we begin packaging (backboard) the kid. Immediately we ski him down to the clinic and get the scene cleaned up.

It truly is amazing when you're part of a scene like that. It works so well and everyone knows what the other is doing and what they need.

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