Monday, February 19, 2007

Avalanche Awarenesss Class.

Every Monday in February we have an Avalanche Awareness class for the public. It's taught by me and Mick Daly. The first 2 Mondays the class was canceled because of the lack of people. It was because of the cost. They lowered the price and the class is filling up.

We only have 4 hours to teach but we get the basics across and i feel people learn a lot and want to learn more. This is when i give them the information to take a class with the guide service i work for.

We start with a one hour power point presentation. Afterwards we head outside for a ride in the cat to a place where we dig pits, look for layers and teach a couple of stability test.

We then get back in the cat and ride to the top of Independence Bowl so we can look at avalanche terrain. We talk about traveling safely through avalanche terrain and how patrol does control work. Then we ski 2 laps in the bowl.

It's a great quick class and it's fun for me.

Mick and some of the students in the front of the cat.

Me and Mick in the pit about to teach the compression test.

Mick doing that patrol thing.

One of our students skiing down Patriot in Independence Bowl. We were showing them how to ski one at a time from safe zone to safe zone. I wish i had a better camera then you'd see the Cat waiting for us at the bottom.

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