Monday, December 11, 2006

Death on the mountain.

On Sunday we had a skier die on Keystone. I wasn't working so i wasn't part of it.

I heard early monday morning on the radio. When i got to work soon after it was the main topic at the morning meeting. The kid was 20 years old and from Denver.

My buddy josh, who you can see so happy in the photo of him in the Tucker, was first on scene. That's a hard place to be and he took it very hard. Josh is top notch and he did everything he could to help the kid. He told me the story and i could tell it was hard for him.

Another patroller, who was off that day, said she saw it happen whle she was skiing. The kid was skiing at a high rate of speed and just lost control. She said she saw a cloud of snow and soon saw Josh get on scene. The kid hit a tree head first and didn't have a chance.

I just wish people would slow down a bit and enjoy the pleasure of turning their skis.

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