Shoot, the other night i broke the binding on my ski.
I was doing night ski and was sent to help with a skier verses tree. Man, you never know what you're going to roll up on when you get that call.
Anyway, i helped to backboard this guy who broke the upper part of his clavical, a place that i can't even come close to spelling. He lost the use of his right arm but, i think, with rehab he'll get use back.
I go to put on my ski and "POP" there goes my binding. So i walk down to bottom of the closest lift and call up to PHQ. We have taxi's all the time for guest. When we call for them we have to describe the skier, "female skier, purple over black, needs a taxi".
So i call up asking for a taxi and said "it's a male skier red over black with funny white crosses all over it".
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