Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Prego Patroller.

This is a picture of Hillary and Betsy. Betsy (the tall one) and I had our medical classes together this summer. It was fun getting to know her but now we're on opposite schedules so I hardly see her. Hillary got on patrol and immediately got pregnant. She's a cutie and even looks more cute now in her patrol uniform with a big tummy. Unfortunately she has quit and is headed to California.

Betsy is impressive. She shows that a person can be on a snowboard and still do patrol work. She is just damn tough.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The T-Shirt....

This is a photo of the old Keystone Patrol t-shirt. We're getting new one's printed up but first we need a slick little slogan to put on it.

Hmmmmm.....What will we come up with???

I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Now that's a gang!!!

On the days at Keystone we have night skiing we also do gang groom. This means grooming all the night ski trails during the day. And man.....This is crazy. During this time these grooming cats race up and down trails that we have to close to the public.

The only thing I have to say is, if you want to make a trail popular than all you have to do is close it. I mean it...........A trail won't be skied all day but the minuet you close it, everyone wants to ski it. You'll even have bands of crazed snowboarders hiding in the trees waiting to poach the highly prized combed runs. It's just funny to watch.

On this day I was assigned to escort these cats so people don't run into them. Yes, people run into them ALL the time. Don't ask me how.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Being sick...SUCKS!!

But now I think I'm over it or, at least, almost over it. It's been 4 days since I saw the doc and today is the first day I felt a little normal. Tomorrow I'll head back to patrol and get back to work on finishing that stupid 16 page rookie check off list that's due by February 1st.

As promised, I took a picture of that hideous document of ridiculousness. Why it's so ridiculous is because everything on that document that we need to prove we can do we've already done time and time again. A good example is the ski test. We had to prove we could ski in order to get the job and now we have to prove to some "special skills person" that we can ski. Another is I have to prove that I can ski an injured person down the hill yet for the last 2 months that's all I've been doing.

Oh well, not a big deal.

Today is absolutely beautiful here in Breckenridge. This morning I awoke in time to see the sun rising on Peaks 9 and 10. Truly amazing!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Codeine is a time machine.


Ok, cough medicine with codeine is bad....Or is it good.

So around 3 pm yesterday I take my second round as per the Doc's instructions. The first round, for sure, put me out and the second round does the same. I get into an overnight trade and I fall right asleep in a dizzy haze.

I wake up, not knowing where I am, and look at the clock. It says 5:55. I normally get up at 5am and watch the pre market. So I get out of bed to turn on the computer and check my trade and I turn on CNBC. I take my other anti-biotic (one every morning) and splash water in my face. I look at my trade.....Damn it didn't do anything so I get out of it for a very small profit. As I look at CNBC I don't see any stock info. Hmmmmm...What's up?????

So, now I'm wondering what the heck is going on. Is it Saturday morning???? Are the markets closed??????? What the "F"!!!! Now I'm kinda freaking out a bit.

I run over to my computer to look at the clock. What does it say?????

6:22 PM

Oh my GAWD!!!! I was only asleep for maybe 2 hrs.

I ate a grapefruit and went back to bed and today I woke up at the right time of ....... 6:00am.

This morning my best bud Scott sent me an e-mail. It was short but he said, "watch out for the cough medicine." Now that's good advice.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


That's the word from the doc. I've been sick for about a month now and this morning it was so bad that I called in sick to patrol. I went to see a doc and he said I have severe bronchitis. He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a cough syrup that has codeine in it. HELLO.......That stuff is good. It knocks me out.

So with that in mind, I'm going for more and pass out.

I sure am glad that this blog has spell check. I think I mis-spelled about 13 words.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

DUDE....That ain't no ski jump, that's my head!!!

Ok, today was the wackiest wreck I ever went to. Here's the story:

I was told to take a pop fence down to the bottom of a run and close off a part of it. I grab my 40 feet of fence and head on down the trail called Schoolmarm. Such a nice sweet sounding name for a ski trail. I mean come on, what could happen on Schoolmarm.

Well.......As I ski down a guy waves to me and I stop. "What's up", I say. He tells me his brother, a snowboarder, fell and hurt his shoulder and he's in a lot of pain. I toss the fence that I'm carrying and begin getting a medical history and event history. Patrollers usually do this while still in their skis and just a bit away from the patient. Gotta think about your safety first.

So I find out he injured his shoulder and that's it. I radio up to PHQ that I came across an injured person and I need rig (sled) to take him to the medical center. At this point I go to get out of my skis but I still ask him more questions. As I get one ski off I notice out of my left eye that a young boy on a snowboard is coming right at my patient like a bolt of lightening. Before I could say anything, the little boy hits my guy square in the head. He not only hits him in the head but rides over the top of his head too. The kid lands falling about 20 feet from my guy. I was shocked.

Now my patient is screaming really loud. Not only does he have a serious shoulder injury but now he has a a huge laceration to the top of his head that makes him look like he's wearing a toupee. I yell at the kid that he needs to stay right there and I then see his dad and tell him to go to his son and don't leave. I then go to my patient who is screaming bloody murder and check his head. It was so bloody and the cut so huge that I couldn't believe my eyes. The guy's freaking out because of all the blood but I tell him that it's nothing that head injuries bleed a lot.

By now the second patroller shows up and I get her to get info on the boy and the dad. We treat all collisions like car wrecks. I tell my patient that I just want to get him down to a doc so I'm just going to bandage his head and not do anything with his shoulder. I get him to self splint his shoulder while I and his brother get him into the rig. At this point I ski him to the clinic fast.

When I last saw my patient he was getting his head shaved, x-rays and about 60-70 stitches. The father of the boy couldn't believe that we were getting his info and just kept saying, hey my boy was trying to stop. I saw the whole thing and that boy was out of control and I would say if he didn't hit my patient he would have hit some trees and that would have been a huge mess.

So that's just an average day at dear old Keystone. Well, tomorrow is another day and I'll try to find another wreck that beats that one.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Yeow...I'm bushed!!!

I'm so tired. I've been working crazy hard trying to finish this 16 page level 2 patroller check off list that needs to be completed by February 1st. If I have a chance, tomorrow I'll take a photo of that 16 page packet of B.S.

Today was the Avalanche beacon test. All patrollers at Keystone have to find 2 beacons in 4 minutes. We have 4 of these test each season and we have to pass the test to maintain our pay status. I found my 2 beacons in 2 min 32 sec. I'll take it!!

"Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune."

-Walt Whitman-

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Sweet Powder!!!!

I got this photo from another patroller who took it. It's of two clients with keystones cat ski operation. This is one of the reasons I wanted to work at Keystone. The cat skiing is run totally by ski patrol. Soon I'll be able to work one day a week on the cats.

This photo is of Erickson Bowl last Thursday January 12th. I've had the pleasure of sweeping the bowl and the snow is as buttery as it looks in this photo.

Friday, January 13, 2006

To all the wanderers out there......

"Not all those who wander are lost."

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

To me, this say's it all.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Busy day in the clinic??????

Ok, these guy's work hard but I made them pose like they were taking a nap. I told them i was going to use the photo to bribe them for free Band-Aides. (you would only laugh at that if you were a med guy). That's Tracy (Nurse) and Brandon (EMT) and Ann (X-Rays) from Keystone Medical Center.

Yesterday, as part of rookie training, I had to do a 6 hr shift in the Keystone Medical Clinic (KMC). This is where we bring the injured skiers we pick up off the mountain. KMC is right next to the slope, so we just ski them right down the ramp and onto a gurney (SP??).

It was good training and lots of fun. I got to be in with the Doc's while they did their thing.

The best wreck of the day was a young kid about 20 yr old. He turned to avoid another skier and fell popping off his ski. In doing this he fell on his ski edge slicing a laceration around the knee about 6 in long and 4 in wide. You could see everything, muscle, tendons and even a little bone. We kept making him bend his knee so we could see the internal movements of everything. He didn't mind, he was a punk and kept asking us to check to make sure he didn't cut off his 3rd leg.

Now I have 3 days off. Tonight I work in the mountaineering shop teching skis. Hmmmm, maybe I'll get some photo's.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Christmas in January????

Yeah, that's right!!

We had our Christmas party last night at the Snake River Saloon. Oh man, was it a blow out. Of course I forgot my camera, so no party pic's.

It was a fun time and yes, I got really drunk. Someone drove me home with my car but I'm not sure who. I'll find out today.

Today on patrol I work in the clinic. I'll let you know how that is and maybe I'll even have photo's.

Monday, January 09, 2006


What the heck is this.....It's the lunch of champions. Ok, maybe not. It's the lunch I had today because I was in a ski and toboggan clinic to become a stage 3 patroller. When you say, stage 3 patroller, you have to say it with a very deep voice.

Anyway, I usually bring my lunch but today the patroller teaching the clinic loves to hear himself speak so much that he turned what should have been a 2 hour clinic into a 5 hour clinic.

Not a big deal, it just gave me an excuse to chow on some yummy fries. Not that I ever need an excuse.

Smartwool Races....

So....This week is the Smartwool Races. As far as I can tell, they are just races that are for the disabled, 11-18 and older non-pros. All I know is, they were boring. Not much action. Funny, when you've seen European races, with their 100,00 people coming out to watch, it makes the US races seem like ghost towns. Oh well, maybe we just like to do and not watch.

They sent me and Megan out to be the 2nd station on the course. We should have only been there for 20 min. But we ended up there for an hour in 4 degree weather. Yikes, it was cold.

We made the best of it. I took pictures of her posing on one of our Rig's. The Rig is what she is sitting on and it's the sled we take injured people down the mountain in. She's a sweetie. The whole time she just sang and danced to stay warm.

She about flipped when she found out I was the same age as her mother, who she called while we were hangiing there.

Huck it Megan ....HUCK IT!!!!

So, after hanging out at the race not doing a thing for an hour, Megan and I went skiing. She showed me her boyfriends favorite place. His name is Matt Jansen and these are the Jansen Rocks.

Nice billowy puffs of powder. That was fun skiing!

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I just found out I broke the screen on my camera. I think it still works but I can't use any of the menu options.

The above photo's are just test shots from in my house and on the deck outside. Not a bad view of Breckenridge, ehhh???

Life is good in the mountains.

Well, it appears the camera is still working and it'll do till I find another cheap one. This is why I bought it for $69.00 at Target.

The Morning Commute to work.

We have to be clocked in by 7:20am to make it to morning meeting by 8:00am on top of the mountain at PHQ.

This isn't a bad commute. Most people sit in traffic for hours in the big city. We just have bad weather like on this day. But bad weather to us means powder skiing all day.

Morning meeting.

Just your typical morning meeting at Keystone Patrol. This is when you get assigned to a peak and what your opening duties are.

There's actually just a lot of joking around. The director and the Asst. Director sit on the end and TRY to control the madness.

This is Mitch......Mitch has a grievence.

I think he's mad because he's dispatch on that day. We call dispatch The Box. No one like being in The Box.

Ahhhhh.....A few days off!! Where's the ibuprofen??

I do work tonight at my ski tech job. It's a great job to do after patrol. All I do is get in the back and drill holes, turn screws, wax skis and listen to music.

Today I'll trade the stock market and then go for a pre-work skate ski.

The market has been very weird this past year. It didn't close all that strong. My short term (couple of days) and intermediate term (couple of weeks) indicators are saying two different things. As of 12/30/05 short term said up and up strong which we are getting now but intermediate term is saying down. But now the intermediate one is neutral. At this point I'll trade like we are going to hit the highs for last year but we are in for some correction. We shall see!!

Man....I'm sore!!! Where's the ibuprofen??

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Goggles of Grievance.

Had to get a picture of "The Goggles of Grievance".

Anytime you have a group of people with huge egos that meet every morning, you're bound to have those huge egos complain and complain a lot.

Well, at Keystone we have a solution. If you have a complaint during the morning meeting you have to wear "The Goggles of Grievance".

Strange.......The complaints have seemed to slow these days.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year.

So, what is it like the day after new years eve at Keystone Ski Patrol?? Well, a whole lot of very quiet, very hung over patrollers.

There are 6 patrollers that live together in a house in Keystone...They call it The Real World Keystone House. Well, they had a huge New Year's Eve party and everyone was there but me. It's too bad because I could have had some great pictures. There were some great stories.

The best story is, during the day after the party with everyone back at work there were 2 patrollers who were especially hung over and could hardly do their job. Well, one of the paramedics on staff said, how 'bout an IV. I thought he was kidding till I walked into one of the offices and saw both these patrollers hooked up to IV's. It was such a sight and I can't believe I forgot to get a picture.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of chances to get a photo because there will be plenty more parties.

This picture is of one of the patrollers doing a headstand afterward because she felt so good.