Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year.

So, what is it like the day after new years eve at Keystone Ski Patrol?? Well, a whole lot of very quiet, very hung over patrollers.

There are 6 patrollers that live together in a house in Keystone...They call it The Real World Keystone House. Well, they had a huge New Year's Eve party and everyone was there but me. It's too bad because I could have had some great pictures. There were some great stories.

The best story is, during the day after the party with everyone back at work there were 2 patrollers who were especially hung over and could hardly do their job. Well, one of the paramedics on staff said, how 'bout an IV. I thought he was kidding till I walked into one of the offices and saw both these patrollers hooked up to IV's. It was such a sight and I can't believe I forgot to get a picture.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of chances to get a photo because there will be plenty more parties.

This picture is of one of the patrollers doing a headstand afterward because she felt so good.

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